Today’s topic is both super gross and really cool at the same time! Creepy crawly critters that live in our pet’s ears………………Ear Mites! Let’s talk about what they look like, what age of animal we typically find them in, and how we treat them. When a pet owner brings in a new pet to see me, I always do a complete physical examination. Part of this examination is a thorough check of the pet’s ears. Are they perfectly clean? Is there any debris? If there is debris, what color is it? Are the pet’s ears super itchy? Is one ear more affected than the other, or are they equally affected? If I see a YOUNG dog or cat with black debris in the ears, that is my first clue that it may be ear mites. Older pets get ear mites MUCH less frequently than young pets. Yeast infections also produce a dark debris, and are very itchy, and can be present in very young animals as well. Taking a sample, or swab, of the debris is the first thing we need to do to figure out just what is causing the problem. To c...